Additional Features

Conditional redirects (Smart URLs)

Redirect your visitors to multiple URLs depending on their device type, operating system, country, browser, date, or more. Add multiple redirects and they will be redirected in the order of priority.

This feature is available on the Plus, Growth, and Agency plans.

Introduction to conditional redirects (smart URLs)

Conditional redirects in Pxl

Conditional redirects allow you to create dynamic links that redirect users based on specific criteria such as device type, operating system, geographic location, browser, or date. This enables a more personalized experience for your audience and can help optimize the effectiveness of your links.

Creating a conditional redirect

  1. Log in to your Pxl dashboard
  2. Click on the Create Short Link button in the top left corner
  3. In the sidebar, click on Add conditional route

Rules for conditional redirects

Visitors can be redirected based on the following rules:

  • Country: Detects the visitor's country.
  • Query: Add a query to your URL and redirect visitors based on them.
  • Date: Set a custom date and time.
  • Device: Detects desktop and mobile.
  • OS: Detects Windows, Mac, iOS, Android, Linux.
  • Browser: Detects Opera, Chrome, Internet Explorer, Safari, Firefox.
  • Language: Detects the device language set in the browser.

The rules above can be combined together to match specific criteria.

Add fallbacks

We advise to always add a fallback destination (URL) in case none of the rules are met.

Managing conditional redirects

Conditional redirects can be managed and edited through the Pxl dashboard. You can update criteria, change destination URLs, and monitor the performance of each conditional route to ensure optimal results.
