Additional Features


Integrate your Pxl account with Klaviyo, HubSpot, Mailchimp, and webhooks to seamlessly transfer leads collected through Microsites to external services.

This feature is available on all plans.

Integration with Klaviyo, HubSpot, and Mailchimp

Integrations in Pxl

  1. Log in to your Pxl dashboard
  2. Click on Settings in the lower left corner
  3. Choose Integrations to see all available integrations

Selecting a List

When connecting Klaviyo, HubSpot, or Mailchimp, users are prompted to select a list. This is the list where leads are stored when collected through the signup component.

Creating New Contacts

In each case, the integration creates a new contact with the submitted email address and saves it in the selected list.

Integration with Webhooks

Webhook Setup

When setting up a webhook, users provide a webhook URL to receive the data.

Receiving Data

The provided webhook URL receives a POST request with the body containing the email address as a JSON object. The format of the JSON object is as follows:

  "email": ""

Are you missing an integration?

Please get in touch with us at and let us know what integrations you would like to see.

Custom domains