Additional Features

Retargeting & tracking

Grow your audience with every click by embedding retargeting and tracking pixels in every short link you share. Supports Meta, LinkedIn, Google, Twitter (X) and more.

This feature is available on the Plus, Growth, and Agency plans.

Introduction to retargeting & tracking pixels

Retargeting pixels in Pxl

Retargeting tracks users who visited your content and shows them targeted ads. This is done using “pixels” to build audiences on advertising platforms.

Traditionally, pixels track website visitors, but with Pxl, you can pixel anyone who clicks your links, expanding your audience with first- and third-party content.

We encourage users who add a retargeting pixel to their short links to consider adding an optional consent banner. Visitors can then choose to accept cookies of retargeting pixels. Their choice is then remembered.

Supported platforms

We support the following platforms:

Managing retargeting & tracking pixels

  1. Log in to your Pxl dashboard
  2. Click on Assets in the lower left corner
  3. Choose Pixels to see your pixels
  4. Click the Add Pixel button in the top right corner to add a pixel

After you've added the pixels to your account, you will be able to embed them with each short link you create or modify.

Removing pixels

Removing a pixel will automatically delete it from all the links it’s associated with.

Installing a retargeting pixel

To find your pixel identifier, you usually just need to choose the manual installation option for your website and look for the identifier (ID) in the provided script.

Meta Ads

Create a pixel in the Meta Events Ads manager:

  • Go to the Meta Events Manager
  • Click ( + ) Connect Data Sources in the left sidebar
  • Select Web
  • Enter a name for your pixel and click Create pixel

You are now presented with code similar to this:

<!-- Facebook Pixel Code -->
  fbq('init', '1234567890123456');
  fbq('track', 'PageView');
  <img height="1" width="1" style="display:none"
<!-- End Facebook Pixel Code -->

Look for this line:

fbq('init', '1234567890123456');

Copy the ID (example: 1234567890123456) and paste it into the Identifier field on the Pixel page.

Google Tag

The Google Ads tag has been replaced by the newer Google tag. To set up remarketing, you'll need to add the Google tag on your website. However, if you still want to set up the Google Ads tag, jump to the next section.

To set up a remarketing audience with the Google Tag for Pxl, do the following:

  • Go to the Google Ads account
  • Click Tools in the left sidebar
  • In the Google tag section, you will see a default tag
  • Click on Manage
  • A window opens, now choose Installation instructions and then Install manually

You are now presented with code similar to this:

<!-- Google tag (gtag.js) -->
<script async src=""></script>
  window.dataLayer = window.dataLayer || [];
  function gtag(){dataLayer.push(arguments);}
  gtag('js', new Date());

  gtag('config', 'AW-12345678901');

Look for this line:

gtag('config', 'AW-12345678901');

Copy the ID including the prefix (example: AW-12345678901) and paste it into the Identifier field on the Pixel page.

Due to Google's processing time, you may not see your hits recorded immediately.

To set up a remarketing audience in Google Ads for Pxl, do the following:

  • Go to the Google Ads account
  • Click Tools in the left sidebar
  • Go to Shared library and then choose Audience manager
  • In the center top menu, choose Your data sources
  • In the Google Ads tag card, click Details
    • If you have not yet set up the remarketing tag, click Set up tagand follow the process
  • Scroll down and expand the Tag setup section
  • Scroll down further and select Install the tag yourself
  • Copy the ID without the prefix (example: 12345678901) and paste it into the Identifier field on the Pixel page.

Due to Google's processing time, you may not see your hits recorded immediately.

Google Analytics (GA4)

Below are the instructions to add Google Analytics to Pxl. Please note that Google is now only supporting Google Analytics 4, as Universal Analytics has been deprecated.

To set up a Google Analytics (GA4) tag for Pxl, do the following:

  • Sign in to your Analytics account
  • In the bottom left corner, click Admin
  • In the menu on the left side, choose Data collection and modification and then Data streams
  • Now either click on Add stream > Web or choose an existing Web stream by clicking on it
  • On the right, you will now see a Measurement ID (example: G-12C45F78I)
  • Copy the ID including the prefix (example: G-12C45F78I) and paste it into the Identifier field on the Pixel page.

Due to Google's processing time, you may not see your hits recorded immediately.
