Additional Features

Spam Protection

To maintain a seamless experience for all users, all links generated through Pxl are safeguarded by our automatic spam protection system.

This feature is available on all plans.

What is spam protection?

Pxl's spam protection is a robust, automated system designed to monitor your short links for suspicious or potentially harmful behavior. This includes analyzing traffic patterns, identifying unusual spikes in visits, and preventing malicious activity such as bot attacks or fraudulent clicks. By continuously scanning your links, we ensure that Pxl remains a trusted platform for you and your users.

When does the automatic spam protection activate?

Our spam protection system operates continuously in the background. If a link experiences an unusual surge in traffic, indicating potential misuse or automated abuse, the system will flag the link for review.

Once a spike in traffic is detected, the following process is triggered:

  1. An email alert is sent to the Pxl account owner notifying them of the unusual activity.
  2. The affected link(s) will be monitored for an additional 3 hours to confirm the traffic pattern.
  3. If the traffic exceeds the preset limits (as outlined below), the system temporarily deactivates the link(s) to prevent further abuse and redirects the traffic elsewhere.

This automated process ensures that potential spam or malicious activities are managed efficiently without requiring manual intervention from users. By doing so, we protect the performance of Pxl for all users.

Traffic limits by plan

Plan3 Hours6 Hours12 Hours

The traffic limits above represent the number of visits within a specified time frame (3, 6, or 12 hours) that your links can receive before triggering the spam protection measures.

The traffic each of your links receives can be viewed in the Analytics dashboard within your account.

If one or more of your links are deactivated due to exceeding traffic limits, you can easily reactivate them by reaching out to our support team. To do so, you can either reply directly to the notification email sent to the account owner or contact us at

Our support team will assist in reviewing the flagged links and determining whether they can be safely reactivated. Once reviewed, your links will either be reactivated or kept deactivated based on the outcome of the review.

Smart Links